New Life Baptist Church was conceived when the Lord laid on the hearts of seven faithful Christians the idea of starting a conservative, Bible-believing, Bible-preaching, doctrinally sound, non-compromising church on the west side of Jacksonville.
In October 1989, the “seven original founders” began to meet every Thursday in one of their homes for the purpose of praying for God’s will and guidance in finding a building in which they could begin to hold regular worship services. During this time, the name “New Life” was adopted in relation to II Corinthians 5:17, which speaks of becoming a “new creature” in Christ Jesus after being saved. After only a few weeks, the original location opened up at 7440 Blanding Blvd. This was a small house that had already been converted into and used as a church. For several weeks, much work went into preparing the building for its first church service as New Life Baptist Church. The first service was scheduled for December 10, 1989.
The church had nothing it needed to start with such as chairs, offering trays, piano, not even a pulpit, but God was faithful. He provided the chairs and offering trays from a sister church. But one of the most amazing things to happen was one evening when someone drove up to the church at random and asked if a pulpit was needed. He had one in the back of his van that was exactly what was needed. Although nothing the church received was new, to the church starters it was all an answer to prayer and they were very grateful for everything that God had blessed them with.
The church started as scheduled on December 10, 1989. The Lord blessed it and it grew in number each week. The church stayed in the original location for six months, after which the owner sold the property and the church had to relocate. The church had already outgrown the small house, so it was glad to move. The church relocated to 3963 Confederate Point Road, which was in a “minit market” complex. The church rented six office spaces there for four years.
On July 24, 1991 the church voted to buy a seven acre tract of land located at 6680 Seaboard Avenue. On May 3, 1992 ground was broken for a new sanctuary and Sunday school building. For two years, contractors and church members worked on the building. Finally the building was finished. New Life Baptist Church had done what many said could not be done– the church had been built without taking a mortgage. The first service was held on June 19, 1994.
In 1998 the church finished and 8,600 square foot addition to the original 5,280 square foot building. The new addition contained Sunday school rooms, a beautiful office complex, and a 3,600 square foot fellowship hall with a modern kitchen and a large stone fireplace. This new addition was also built without borrowing any money.
God continued to bless. Most recently in 2013, they opened their 11,700 square foot Christian Activity Center. It has a full-size basketball court, fitness center, game room, and even a snack center for the church games. Once again, it was all done without taking on any debt. They have a multi-million dollar facility and not a dime owed on it. To God be the Glory!